Tag Archives: diarrhea
Babies: Give Vegan a Chance, No a REAL Chance.
It has come to the attention of I, the Hippie Jesus, that there is a disgruntled baby who regularly posts on this page and he has recently taken to making disparaging remarks about myself, veganism and vegan food. Although I will not engage in a written debate with a baby, this does bring to light a serious topic on which I have been meaning to expound: the filthy practice of... more
tagged with babies, breasts, cows, dairy, diarrhea, milk, rebuttal, spit, tree sits, Veganism
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Stop Clogging Me, Charlie Alan Kraft
So here I was, minding my own business the other day, when this fat piece of shit Charlie Alan Kraft starts waddling towards me backwards with his pants around his cankles. I fuckin’ started losing it, man, cause see, I live in his apartment, and in the land of Kraft two things are accepted as fact. Chicks are all lesbians, and when Charlie takes a shit it’s like somebody just... more
tagged with cankles, Charlie Alan Kraft, condom filled with shaving cream, corn dogs, diarrhea, digestion, hot dogs, lesbians, Niagra Falls, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Space Invaders, suicide tips
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