I Wear My Sunglasses All the Fuckin’ Time $1,000,000,000,000 Bankroll Sucka!
I wear my sunglasses whenever the fuck I want, know why? Cause I’m a big deal. There might be an avalanche at any second, and my eyes will not be blinded because of that. If something happened to my eyes, since I’m a big deal, there would be a big problem. I wouldn’t be able to see talent anymore. My eyes are experts at detecting talent and genius, and that’s why I’m a big time producer. You’ve seen my shows on TV, trust me. If you have a pulse. No pun intended.
Speaking of pulse, my finger is on it. I am between shoots, and I owe Art Jeanyus several million dollars for his spot-on advice about stocks. That amount is nothing to me, but he said I could write a column for his publication to cover the debt. Several million dollars for a few minutes of my time? My thoughts are that important. My eyes are that good.
For my column, I will, while wearing sunglasses, type in “Portland artist” into Bing (because I am a Microsoft stockholder, aka, big time) and let you know the results. I don’t expect to see much, I mean, what is Portland? A city or a small town? Is it on a map, could you show me? Wow. Thank you Bing. There is totally a map.
- Tom Repasky (portlandoregonartist.com)
Good luck with the job search, Tom. Really, and I mean the best of luck. - Anne John (annejohn.com)
Bird painting meets penis painting, and done very skillfully. Hey, Anne, obviously you could use a little more penis with your bird, if you know what I mean, and I wish I could help with that but unfortunately I am married to my career. - Jenna Schneider (jennamakeupartist.com)
She’s a make-up artist. In other words, I have probably banged her, and if she had any talent, I would remember her, which I don’t. - Jessica Belknap (jessicabelknap.com)
Another make-up artist, you can see why I’ve banged so many. The competition is heavy, being a producer… You get what I’m saying. Jessica, sorry don’t remember you either. Which direction is Portland, anyways? I had no idea it was so heavy with make-up artists. Man, I could be getting laid right now in Portland, what’s the ratio of TV producer to make-up artist in Portland anyways? - Laura Russo Gallery (laurarusso.com)
I wanna sex you up, tick tock, ya don’t stop. This is a gallery, not an artist. Foiled again.
So far the first five people I can find on Bing under “portland artist”, contain two artists, two make-up artists (aka skeeze), and a gallery. Hmm.
Anne John is the winner on all counts. Whatever the Laura Russo Gallery is displaying on my screen right now, well, it’s making me want to go down there just to spit on the damn thing. Horrible. Who the hell is Jack Portland? Is that like your version of Hollywood Hogan? The Ultimate Warrior paints with knives, by the way. That’s your last hint, my show, it stars a wrestler. You’ve totally seen it. I’ll tell you next time.
Tags: $1000000000000, Anne John, Art Jeanyus, big deal, Bing, Jack Portland, Jenna Schneider, Jessica Belknap, Laura Russo Gallery, make-up artists, Microsoft stock, portland artists, Portland City Art (.org), skeeze, sunglasses, talent, Tom Repasky, wrestling